Wednesday, October 20, 2010

. . . Wow!

Alright so... wow.

I can't believe it's been this long since I've posted anything at all. I can't even give you a valid excuse as to why it's been forever... so I won't even bother trying to justify it.

I just want to say that I am SO sorry to everyone who follows this story (or any of my others) and that I feel horrible for leaving everyone hanging for so long.

I do have a few more updates for this story and a bunch I've finished for other ones, but I think it'll still be a little bit before I put them up. I have a lot of things I want to do with HM and I'd rather leave it a bit longer and get some more posts done... that why when I start putting them up again, the story will be almost finished and you won't have to wait 3 months for something else lol

Again, I'm so sorry and thank you all for hanging in with me... I promise that I'm gonna try to make it up to you by making the rest of this story as awesome as I can...



  1. You don't need an excuse or to justify why you haven't updated! I'm excited that you have the time and desire to post some more chapters. But you don't owe us anything, so stop apologizing, and go write some awesomeness.;)

  2. OMG! I was so starting to think that you had fallen off the face of the earth! So glad that you have not....don't worry about apologizing, we all need to disappear for a while...I am just hoping that everything is well for you and that you find it in you to continue to write the great stuff you do! Missed you!

  3. Hey you, best wishes for 2011 to you and your family. Hope everything is alright. Hope you can find the time in the new year to finish this story. No pressure or anything. Just wanted to let you know I love this story and hope to be able to read more! Take care.

  4. I love this story... I hope that you're up to updating soon!

  5. i hope there's more!!

  6. I realllllllyyyyyyy hope there is more! I want the happy ending! Haha

  7. I hope you update soon!!! i really like this story :)
