I saw this on TV last night and a reader was kind enough to link it for everyone else to enjoy... I mean really... do you need more reason to love Brooks?
Also, I know we all love the Bromance and who doesn't want to watch a video about it? Oh and of course... the same place from Brook's POV
Lastly... I found this on google last night and the first thing that came into my head, was after the wedding when the bride and groom feed each other the cake lol.

And now onto the story...
“I can’t believe I have a baby…” Brooks sighed as he stood in front of the kitchen window, his daughter resting against his chest.
“I can’t believe she’s this cute!” Mike laughed, borderline giddiness as he stood beside Brooks, his finger tracing Cosmo’s cheek as she sucked her thumb.
Brooks wanted to stay in the wonderful blissful moment he was in, but he could feel reality beginning to cut in around his bubble world. “I can’t believe I allowed this to happen… what was I thinking?” He asked softly, more to himself than to Mike.
Not acknowledging the comment, Mike reached out for Cosmo, scooping the - almost - seven month old girl, out of his arms. “Awww who’s a pretty girl?”
“I can’t believe that… oh god, Mike.” Brooks groaned, leaning forward and bracing his hands on the counter.
Mike turned around and headed into the living room, “I think she kinda looks like me… I mean, I know she’s yours but… she definitely looks like me.” He mused as Cosmo giggled and reached up, grabbing onto his ear with a chubby fist.
Brooks followed after them, quietly keeping his distance as he spoke the words that he could feel himself choking on. “We can‘t keep her, Mike.”
“We have to keep her! She’s your daughter and I’m already attached! I’ll look after her if you don’t want to…” Mike shouted, startling both Brooks and Cosmo, as he turned on his room-mate, worry and stress etched on his face.
Brooks wanted to agree with him, find some way that this could work out… but it just wasn‘t possible. “Mike, she’s not a puppy! She’s a baby! We can’t look after a baby!”
When Mike didn’t say anything Brooks pressed on, taking advantage of his momentary silence. “Mike… look… I want to keep her, I do. Think about it though… what kind of father would I be? I can’t do this on my own-”
“-and you wouldn’t be alone. You have me.”
“That’s not what I meant Mike, I know that you’d be great with her… probably better than I’d be, but, who’s gonna look after her when we’re at practice? Or at a game? Or when we’re gone on a road trip?
There’s a reason most hockey wives don’t work… it’s because they’re like single mothers. They have to do everything on their own because we’re not around for them.
Who’s gonna look after her?”
Mike paused, blinking rapidly to keep his tears from spilling over. “Please Brooks… we’ll figure something out. She needs you.”
They both sat down on the couch, Mike moving Cosmo in between them; the body weight of the two boys causing her part of the couch to pop up.
“There’s a family out there that’d be better than us. A family that could give her all the love and attention she deserves.”
“But you’re her daddy.”
Brooks sighed, not wanting to argue with Mike anymore. It wasn’t that he agreed with Mike’s assessment, he just didn’t want to try and find reasons why he shouldn’t keep her; it wasn’t something he actually wanted to. “Dada.”
Brooks felt his breath catch in his throat as he glanced quickly at Mike, wondering if it was possible that that had just happened. Mike was staring back at him, his mouth gaping, as together they looked down at Cosmo.
She was smiling up at him, two tiny teeth in a mouth full of gum. Her green eyes watched his reaction as she waited for him to pick her up, which he did, before turning back to Mike. He took a deep breath before he spoke, his voice deep with emotion. “I guess she’s gonna have to stay now.”
“I’m not sure what we’re gonna do! This was such a bad idea…” Brooks sighed as he juggled their sticks, his bag, and Cosmo’s baby carrier, down the long hallways of the Verizon Center.
“It’s fine, babies love hockey. She can sit in the penalty box and watch us!” Mike grinned over his shoulder. “Won’t that be fun Cosmo? You wanna see uncle Mike knock your daddy down?” He cooed.
He was a few paces ahead of Brooks, his bag slung over his back and Cosmo clutched securely in his arms.
“Yah Mike, let’s just put her down on ice level with flying pucks and large men slamming into each other.” Brooks snapped, rolling his eyes as they continued down the hall.
“Well that’s why I said the penalty box! It’s covered in glass, she’ll be fine.”
Brooks didn‘t bother to respond to that comment directly. “We need to find Sandra, quick.” He said, making a comment about their coach’s wife, knowing that she would most likely be hanging around the rink. “She should be able to watch her until practice is over.”
“Umm… she’s right there… SANDRA!” Mike screamed, his voice echoing down the hall as an attractive, older woman came into view.
“And who is this!” Sandra squealed as she moved towards them, her arms already out stretched as she reached Mike, expertly pulling Cosmo out of his arms.
“Sandra, this is my daughter… Cosmo.” Sandra raised her eyebrows to appraise Brooks as he spoke. “I just found out a few hours ago… and… well… her mom’s dead. I guess she’s gonna be staying with us until we figure something else out…”
“Could you watch her while we’re at practice?” Mike asked, quickly getting to the point of the matter.
Sandra looked surprised and confused, but she didn’t ask any questions about the parenting of Cosmo, she just nodded. “Of course I will… now, where’s her baby bag at?”
“Her… ah… what?” Brooks and Mike said together, both of them looking at each other, trying to figure out what she meant.
“Her diapers, her food, a change of clothing… toys?” Sandra asked, as she rocked Cosmo back and forth on her hip. “You don’t have anything?”
They both shook their heads, feeling like idiots as Brooks silently cursed himself for forgetting something so obvious. “Ok… well then Cosmo, looks like we’re gonna go shopping!”
“Who did you fuck, rainbow bright?!” Poti laughed as the boys filled off the ice after practice. “Like seriously, Cosmo? Who names a baby Cosmo?”
“The real question, is who wanted to have sex with Brooks? Well other than Greener, I mean…” Theodore laughed as he walked by, slapping Brooks on the back of the head.
“Could you guys just knock it off? This is fucking serious, ok?” Brooks grumbled as he took a swat at Jose.
“I’ll say! I could hardly make it around that last lap… fuck. I am kinda out of shape now…” Mike sighed as he dropped down onto the bench beside Brooks. “That was exhausting.” He continued to complain as he undressed, not getting any kind of response from Brooks.
“So, what are you planning on doing? I mean, October 1st is a couple days away we have a game against Boston… who are you gonna leave the kid with?” At the question Brooks looked at Boudreau who was coming through the door.
“No can-do. Sandra’s got some kinda of red-lady-hat-group thing… or whatever it is that she does.” He explained, still looking sour with the events of the day. He stared Brooks down like he had planned this, his eyes accusing him of trying to bring down the team.
It made no sense, but Boudreau was under the impression that the sun shone out of Ovechkin’s ass, and he was the standard they were all held to. Ovechkin didn’t have any kinds, so that clearly meant that kids were wrong.
“I’ll figure something out.” Brooks said quietly before anyone else could criticize him or his parenting. At those words Sandra pushed in through the door, shielding her eyes as she cleared her throat.
“You’re safe.” Greener laughed and she put her hand down, adjusting Cosmo in her arms.
The room fell silent as she walked straight towards Brooks, handing the little girl over to her father.
The silent reaction was almost like no one had believed him, or Mike. Like the presence of an actual, living, breathing, child made her more real than his announcement that he had a child in the first place. “Alright well, are we still going out for dinner or what?” Alex asked, annoyed that the attention wasn’t on him and his fantastic performance at practice.
“Yah let’s go…” Greener said cheerfully, reaching over to mess the hair on top of Cosmo’s head.
Brooks sighed, not really feeling like going anywhere but also not ready to head home. He nodded finally, waiting as Mike finished changing before handing Cosmo off to him.
Brooks got dressed before meeting up with everyone else in the hall. “Listen Mike…” He said quietly as he took Cosmo back and headed towards the player parking lot with everyone else. “I think maybe I should just take her home… I have some things I need to do and, well, I don’t really feel up to it.”
“Yah, ok man… do you want me to just go back with you?” He asked, trying to appear unconcerned.
Brooks shook his head and waved away Mike’s worry. “No, you go out and have a good time… I’ll see you when you get home.”
Instead of arguing, Mike nodded, leaning forward to give Cosmo a quick kiss on the forehead before walking away.
He didn’t want to admit it to anyone else, but there was only one thing that Brooks had to do, one thing that he needed to do in order to figure all his shit out…and he really didn’t need Mike there when he called his mom to tell her.
If you can give me one big laugh each day Zigh, I will be a happy woman. Today's lol:
ReplyDelete“Who did you fuck, rainbow bright?!” Poti laughed as the boys filled off the ice after practice. “Like seriously, Cosmo? Who names a baby Cosmo?”
I'm finally getting into the mindset I need for this story, and it's a pretty relaxed, after-a-coupla-drinks place.
oh lord. I cannot wait till he calls his mom
ReplyDeleteAnd Mike is so freaking cute!! There were at least a million lines I could have quoted from this chapter courtesy of Mike! and Please, don't kid yourself Brooks. You were keeping that baby the minute she opened her eyes.
“I can’t believe she’s this cute!” Mike laughed
^^hahaha oh mike(: I love how he kind totally insulted Brooks in a totally sneaky way
“We have to keep her! She’s your daughter and I’m already attached! I’ll look after her if you don’t want to…” Mike shouted, startling both Brooks and Cosmo,
“Mike, she’s not a puppy! She’s a baby! We can’t look after a baby!”
^^ Two things I would not trust Mike Green with- a baby and a puppy. Just sayin' I also love that they live together and Mike thinks him taking care of Cosmo is different then Brooks taking care of Cosmo.
“-and you wouldn’t be alone. You have me.”
^^BROMANCE MOMENT!!!!! <3333
“I’m not sure what we’re gonna do! This was such a bad idea…” Brooks sighed as he juggled their sticks, his bag, and Cosmo’s baby carrier, down the long hallways of the Verizon Center.
“It’s fine, babies love hockey. She can sit in the penalty box and watch us!” Mike grinned over his shoulder. “Won’t that be fun Cosmo? You wanna see uncle Mike knock your daddy down?” He cooed.
“Yah Mike, let’s just put her down on ice level with flying pucks and large men slamming into each other.” Brooks snapped, rolling his eyes as they continued down the hall.
“Well that’s why I said the penalty box! It’s covered in glass, she’ll be fine.”
^^hahaha yeah I just copy and pasted an entire paragraph, but it was amazing and funny!! Their conversations are hilarious, they are total opposites but thats what makes it so funny. And its probably a good thing Mike isn't taking care of the baby, putting her in the penalty box isn't the best idea.
“Her… ah… what?” Brooks and Mike said together, both of them looking at each other, trying to figure out what she meant.
“Her diapers, her food, a change of clothing… toys?” Sandra asked, as she rocked Cosmo back and forth on her hip. “You don’t have anything?”
They both shook their heads, feeling like idiots as Brooks silently cursed himself for forgetting something so obvious.
^^oh boys, oh boys. I love the two of them as parents! its hilarious!!!
“I’ll say! I could hardly make it around that last lap… fuck. I am kinda out of shape now…” Mike sighed as he dropped down onto the bench beside Brooks. “That was exhausting.”
^^ and this is why I love Mike Green!!! He is the perfect character in your story! So cute, funny, and he kind of has this innocence about him if that makes any sense at all.
Mike nodded, leaning forward to give Cosmo a quick kiss on the forehead before walking away.
^^AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW He is the cutest daddy ever!!!!! Little Cosmo growing up with her two daddies(: haha well maybe her daddy and uncle, but still. Cutest bromance ever
Yeah, I probably copied and pasted to much. But it was all very important. I loved this chapter and I love love love this story!!!!
OOO that should be a lovely conversation with his mother...CANT WAIT
ReplyDeleteOh, Brooks. I know you wanna do the right thing for baby Cosmo, but the right thing is for you to be her daddy and for Greener to be her weird, creepy uncle. I love every word of their conversations.
ReplyDeleteAnd this set me off into giggles, and I'm not even sure why: "It made no sense, but Boudreau was under the impression that the sun shone out of Ovechkin’s ass, and he was the standard they were all held to. Ovechkin didn’t have any kinds, so that clearly meant that kids were wrong." Yes, I C&P'ed the whole paragraph, but it was so funny.
I'm a little worried about the conversation with his mother? If she tells him that Brooks can't handle a baby, I don't think he'll need much persuasion to put her up for adoption. I mean, he's already unsure. And if he does it while Greener isn't there to encourage him to be her daddy, well... :(
I don't want him to be thinking rationally, because I want Daddy Brooks, but really... forget about who will watch Cosmo during practices and games. What about road trips?! Oh dear. I hopehopehope they figure something out! Tomorrow's conversation is gonna be big!
ReplyDeletesorry. haha
Mike cracks me up SOOO much, I can't even explain how much I giggle over the shit that comes out of his mouth! haha "I'LL TAKE CARE OF HER" it's like he found himself a new best friend : )
OMG that picture. I knew it was gonna be a good update as soon as I saw that.
ReplyDeleteThese guys. I really REALLY wish I knew them and was some part of their lives. Like I wish I was their neighbor because I feel like I'd die laughing every single day. Zigh, you write them so friggin' well. I cannot stop laughing the whole entire time I read your updates.
“I think she kinda looks like me… I mean, I know she’s yours but… she definitely looks like me.”
^^LMFAO I died. Mike is so completely weird and creepy (borrowing Jay's adjectives to describe him :P) but I really can't get enough of him. I need more Mike in my life everyday.
Dear, sweet, Brooks. The best thing for you is to keep little Cosmo in your life. This is really a no-brainer, honey. I'm sure you'll figure something out with practices and games, but a little girl needs her daddy. Emily might be willing to help out, no? ;P
Love, love, love it<3
More to the point Theodore, who wouldn't want to fuck Brooks? Hopefully Mommy Brooks will take the news as well as she can that shes a Grandmother.... bonne chance!
ReplyDeleteloved it! keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteI can't get enough of the interaction between him and Greener!!! Awesome writing!